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Signs That It’s Time to Seek Homecare Services


Due to the misconception that seniors will lose their independence when caregivers or other homecare providers are around, most will not be vocal about their need for help at home. That said, it will take greater efforts on your part, as family members, to detect signs among your aging loved ones.

Allow us here at MIC Homecare Services, your trusty homecare in College Park, Maryland, to lend you a hand! The signs that it’s time to seek home care services include, but are not limited to:

  • Increasing Mobility Concerns
    Every year, more than one-third of older adults in the United States fall, and up to 30% of those who fall sustain moderate to severe injuries. If your aging loved ones have mobility concerns, homecare services in Maryland can guarantee their safety around the house.
  • Seeming Lonely and Isolated
    Seniors may opt to stay at home most of the time due to the ailments they might be experiencing. This, however, does not mean they do not want to socialize or engage with others. It is in this case that the value of companionship. services, which is often a component of home care, is best highlighted.
  • Declining Ability to Prepare Healthy Food
    Although it is natural for metabolism and appetite to change with age, this does not diminish the significance of seniors getting the nutrition they need to be healthy and active. If they are having difficulty in this area, they can receive the necessary support via services like ours.

Should you have any questions about our array of services, such as skilled nursing, feel free to contact us anytime!

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