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Learning About Skilled Nursing


Since there is an influx of information these days, especially with the internet, it can be tough to determine what to believe in. This is particularly concerning in the context of healthcare services because it may cause people to be apprehensive about seeking them.

This is one of the gaps we strive to bridge at MIC Homecare Services as a tried and true homecare in College Park, Maryland. Here, we make it a point to enlighten our community about the services they may need, one topic at a time.

To that end, here are frequently asked questions about skilled nursing:

  • What Is It, Exactly?

    It is a high degree of care that necessitates extensive training and certification. It must be delivered or supervised by certified health professionals, including registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), speech/language pathologists, and physical/occupational therapists.

  • What Is Involved?

    Speech, physical, and occupational therapy, wound and catheter care, and continuous vital sign monitoring are all examples of such services. These generally entail offering assistance with the patient’s care needs, which only healthcare professionals can give.

  • When Is It Required?

    If your loved one requires medical assistance for an injury or illness, as well as support with daily activities, you may want to opt for this type of care service. It is ideal for people who require around-the-clock care, along with assistance with activities of daily living.

Are you in need of superior homecare services in Maryland? Get in touch with us today!

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