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Tag Archives: Senior Assistance


Learning About Skilled Nursing

Since there is an influx of information these days, especially with the internet, it can be tough to determine what to believe in. This is particularly concerning in the context of healthcare services because it may cause people to be...

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What Can the Elderly Gain From Occupational Therapy?

Most people lack information about what occupational therapy is. As a result, they may be unaware of just how much this can help them. That's where we come in! Here at MIC Homecare Services, we are not only determined to create an impact...

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How Physical Therapy Can Benefit Senior Individuals

Physical therapy is very beneficial for people with disabilities, those who have had surgery, those who have been injured, seniors, and many others. But for now, let us go over why you should consider physical therapy for your elderly loved...

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How to Prevent Depression in the Elderly

As one of the leading providers of homecare services in Maryland, we specialize in senior care. Here is our expert advice on how to reduce the risk of depression in seniors:  Keep your social life active. This doesn’t mean...

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Basic Guidelines in Providing Personal Care to Seniors

Seniors are already experiencing the consequences of aging. This includes health deterioration and mobility decline. These challenges make life a little too challenging for them. This is why they could greatly benefit from homecare services in...

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How Personal Care Helps Seniors Maintain Confidence

As our senior loved ones age, they face many challenges which affect their poor physical and mental conditions. As their health slowly deteriorates, they lose enthusiasm and become pessimistic, increasing stress. They feel hopeless for being...

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