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Tag Archives: Professional Caregivers


What Are the Health Benefits of Respite Care?

There is no better gesture of showing love than through care. Taking care of someone is a selfless act of affection. This is exactly what family caregivers are doing. They dedicate their time to taking care of their loved ones. They don’t only...

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Effective Tips to Promote Hygiene in Seniors

Daily tasks can become more challenging as we age. Maintaining good hygiene habits can be difficult for older adults due to low energy and mobility. Medication side effects, isolation, and fear of falling can also cause seniors to neglect their...

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Fall Prevention Strategies to Keep Seniors Safe

Seniors have a huge risk of falling at home because of many factors associated with aging, such as the weakening of the bones, lack of balance, and poor eyesight, among others. As a provider of home care solutions, allow us to share our expert...

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